Earth Day 2020

Earth day has always been one of my favorite days. When I was a kid on earth day you went to McDonald’s and they gave you a tree to plant. My parents still have all my trees in the yard. I grew up on farm surrounded by a creek and trees of every kind. We…

A New Chapter…

Hello friends, I know its been a REALLY long time since I posted. I wish I had a better excuse other than time but I don’t. The last few weeks have really been tough for everyone as a whole in the world not just here in my little part of the world. As an essential…

Hakuna Moscato…

Oh yeah friends you read that right. If you know the Lion King you know one of the most famous songs “Hakuna Matata“, it means no worries. But do you know Hakuna Mosacto??? I bet you do. It still means no worries, if you have enough mosacto, LOL! You guys know that I love crochet,…

More than just hats…

It’s been a busy, and stressful, fall season already. I started prepping for the big wholesale order of hats and cowls in August. In September, I was contacted by another local shop and asked to provide them with hats and cowls too. So in October, I took a wholesale order to the Himalayan Institute of…

Happy Fall Y’All

This is my favorite time of year, but you guys know that! Here in upstate NY, the fall is the best time, cooler nights, but not frigid, warmer days, but not scalding. The leaves are changing, apple cider, mums in beautiful colors, pumpkins, and of course that means beanie weather!!!! I have launched the fall/winter…

Adulting Is Hard….

Someday’s I just can’t adult! Between bills, laundry, dishes, vacuuming, work, and keeping the tiny humans and animals alive I just want to scream I CAN’T ADULT TODAY! I tell the kids adulting is hard, DON’T grow up! So when I found That Stitch Shop on Etsy and her cute little tongue in cheek cross…

New Pattern Alert…

Good evening all, I’m about a week late with this posting but there has been a lot going on in my personal life in the last week. That’s neither here nor there, but I wasn’t able to get to the computer to post. I introduce to you the second pattern of 2018 published by The…

Do Your Plants Need A Sweater?

The calendar says March, spring should have sprung….not quite where I live and probably not where you live either. It seems as though Mother Nature is confused as to the seasons. Here in Buffalo, New York, we’re a balmy 28 degrees…insert eye roll! I don’t like extreme heat either so I’d be happy with 60…

Welcome to the World Little One…

If you know me outside of my little yarn world, you know that if if you’re having a baby, you’re bound to get something from me that is crocheted! Last year my husband and I each had a co-worker that were having baby. One was having a girl and one a boy. I wanted the…

My Favorite Shawls…

I know that i’m really bad at this whole blogging thing, but I promise I’m trying to be better. With that being said I recently finished a new item for the shop and thought I’m going to give m followers, and those who stumble upon my ramblings, a list of my favorite shawl patterns.  I’ll…